Migration to github for all my open source projects... done!

Since when Google announced that Google Code will be closed I did start to plan the migration of all my open source projects. Now, the migration is terminated. In the next days, I’ll add all the contributors too, so that the development can go forward as usual. These are the projects

DelphiPodcastIT episode 2 - Interview about DelphiMVCFramework

In the 2nd episode of DelphiPodcastIT (Delphi podcast in italian language by Marco Breveglieri) there is a my interview about the past, the present and the future of DelphiMVCFramework with a lot of technical contents. The interview itself is quite long, just like a micro training on DelphiMVCFramework. Enjoy the listening (only in italian, sorry)

New On Line Training "Update to Delphi XE7" february 10-13

Just a quick note to inform you about the new online training “Update to Delphi XE7”. The training will be 22 hours long, and is divided in 4 session each (5.5 hours). More information at the official landing page: http://www.bittime.it/Update_online/ See you on line DT

Simple start with MVP (Model View Presenter) - Part 1

Today every web framework claims to be an “MVC” framework, and many really are! Many MVC framework are available for many languages: Ruby (Ruby On Rails, Merb), .NET (ASP.NET MVC), PHP (CakePHP, LightVC, CodeIgniter), Java (Struts) and Python (Django). For a longer (and more complete) list you can click here.

My "Delphi Cookbook" has been published

Almost an year ago I started to write a book about Delphi for Packt Publishing. Today that book has been published. This book is a cookbook! That’s it, in 328 pages you will find useful (I hope) “recipes” for your day-by-day Delphi job. Topics of the book [Create visually stunning applications using FireMonkey]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Effectively use LiveBindings with the right OOP approach]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Create server-side programs to serve RESTful web services and provide data to your mobile apps]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Develop mobile apps for Android and iOS using well-defined GUI design patterns for a great user experience]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Build efficient mobile apps that read data from a remote server]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Call the platform-native API on Android and iOS even for an unpublished API]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Use extended RTTI to better manage the software customization for your customer]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} [Leverage the most popular design patterns for a better design without wasting too much time debugging]{style=“font-size: 13px;”} It is not an introductory book, you will not find any “Introduction to the Object Pascal language”, however the majority of the chapters are not too complex and can be grasped also by the new Delphi programmers.

Using dynamic arrays and Parallel Programming Library (Part 1)

The Parallel Programming Library introduced in XE7 is one of the most awaited built-in library for the Delphi and C++Builder RTL, at least for me. I’ve still a nice list waiting for the next versions, but this is another story :-) Marco Cantù wrote about dynamic arrays some days ago, another nice feature introduced in Delphi XE7.

ITDevCon 2014, Call4Papers

\ Dear potential ITDevCon speaker, As every year, I’m building the agenda for next ITDevCon that will be held next october 23th, 24th in Milan (Italy), in a new location. This will be the 6th edition ( we’re getting conference experts J ) The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see it.

PACKT Publishing Book Review: "Gideros Mobile Game Development"

As you probably know, I did some reviews on PACKT Publishing technical books. Now I did a review on a new book about Gideros Mobile. At bit Time Software we used to create mobile games too and in the last months some of them have been built with Gideros Mobile (we do also training on the Gideros Mobile framework.

March 2014 news about "DelphiMVCFramework"

In the last months DMVCFramework has been used in many projects. Some fixes and some new features has been added. Tomorrow will start the 4th training from the Jan 1st 2014 on DMVCFramework… WOW! The best selling training is “Developing Web Client applications using AngularJS and DelphiMVCFramework” (a slightly modified version of this classic training http://www.

Sending Android Intents from Delphi (Part 2)

Some months ago I wrote a post with title “Sending Android Intents from Delphi (Part 1)”. In that post I promised to write a 2nd part… here’s it is! This time I want to play a video deployed with my APK using an external player. Some informations are available on the Internet, but to correctly know how to play the video I’ve to inspect my Nexus 5 with the LogCat while using the default file manager to start the default video player.