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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0 (boron) - Breaking Changes

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0 (boron) - Breaking Changes

  • Removed TDataSetHelper.LoadFromJSONArrayStringItems
  • TDataSetHolder class now renders data in a property called data (previously was items)
  • The default header used by JWT middleware is now Authorization (previously was Authentication)
  • Middleware OnAfterControllerAction are now invoked in the same order of OnBeforeControllerAction (previously were invoked in reversed order).
  • IMVCMiddleware has got a new method called after the request processing: OnAfterRouting . It is called even if no action is executed. If you don’t need it, implement the method and leave it empty.
  • TMVCEngine is no more responsible for static file serviing. If you need static files used the new TMVCStaticFilesMiddleware (check the sample).


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