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My Speeches at ITDevCon 2022

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3rd and 4th nov 2022, in Rome, there will be the European Delphi Conference you love… ITDevCon!

This year I’m going to held 3 speeches with different topics. Here’s a short summary of the speeches and some notes about them.

Python4Delphi: from Zero to Hero

In this talk we are going to see how to effectively use Python4Delphi in our Delphi application. Even before (or without) DataScience or Machine Learning, Python4Delphi can revolutionize the way you architect your application. In this talk I’m going to show “pure” Python4Delphi, not related to specific python libraries. I’ll show some fundamental topic, useful to correctly grasp the second part which will show some utilization scenarios. Believe, sky is the limit. Attend this talk to un derstand how you can benefit from the integration between Delphi and Python, even if you are not interested to external libraries. Here the main demos I’ll show in the speech:

  • Execute Python scripts
  • Reading Python variables
  • Expose and Reading Delphi variables to Python scripts
  • Expose Delphi functions
  • Expose Delphi objects
  • Create a smart configuration file
  • Easily customize program logic
  • Passing datasets to Python and customize data processing
  • Swich logic at runtime without recompilation
  • Create background Python threads
  • Embedding Python interpreter in my application

Link to the speech

DMVCFramework, now and beyond a.k.a. What’s cooking in the lab

In this talk we are going to see what’s new in dmvcframework-3.2.2-nitrogen, in the repo version currently named dmvcframework-3.2.3-radium-beta and what’s is planned for the near future. Be prepared to embrace all the new features that will supercharge your APIs.

Here the main demos I’ll show in the speech:

  • TMVCRESTClient (synch/async, based on *Net components)
  • Using cache even for JSON RPC API with MVCJSONRPCAllowGet attribute
  • TMVCActiveRecord
    • Support for XML, JSONB types
    • TMVCActiveRecord.Merge
    • Default Filtering
    • Partitioning
    • Support for GUID/UUID primary keys
  • ContextEvents // OnContextCreate, OnContextDestroy
  • Support to avoid mid-air-collision
  • Sets serialization/deserialization support
  • MVCOwned attribute
  • MVCAREntitiesGenerator
  • Injector attributes // MVCFromBody, MVCFromQueryString, MVCFromHeader, MVCFromCookie

Link to the speech

Using DMSContainer to handle users authentication, users managements, licenses and configurations

DMSContainer has been a success from its very first presentation. DMSContainer is a powerful container for microservices that already provides a set of built-in services for the most general and widespread needs. A lot of companies already use DMSContainer and a good number of them have included DMSContainer in their system. Such companies are experiencing a huge time-saving in their development cycle and in all TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Here the main topics I’ll show in the speech:

  • What’s DMSContainer?
  • Why it’s so revolutionary?
  • How I can save time using DMSContainer?
  • Hands-On Sessions
    • Handling Users with DMSContainer
    • License check with DMSContainer
    • How to avoid multiple instance of my application even on different machines
    • Anonymously track users behaviours
    • Use DMSContainer as configuration provider

Link to the speech

Closing Note

As usual there will be a lot of fun at ITDevCom. I’m really looking forward to see all the new and old attendant.

The conference web site is

Thank you and…  see you at ITDevCon 2022.


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