AndroidConference in Italy - Call4Papers
![The Android Conference](/images/2011/06/home-bugdroid.png
Yes! This is a great news! Before the two-days conference dedicated to Delphi, this year there will be the AndroidConference.
The Android Conference
The Android Conference will be a conference focused on Google Android development. Android is one of the most popular OS in the world. Now you can use it for your mobile applications.
And now, the “official” Call4Papers Announce
Dear potential AndroidConference speaker,
I’m building the agenda for the first Android Conference in Italy that will be held in late October in Verona. Dates will be announced ASAP.
The call for papers is officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to evaluate them.
For the Call4Paper I need:
- Title (for every talk)
- Abstract (for every talk)
- Difficulty level (for every talk. Difficulty level is a scale from 1 to 3 with the following mean: introduction, intermediate, advanced)
- Speaker’s photo
- Speaker’s profile
I’m looking forward to your proposal. The call4papers ends June 30th, 2011.
Please, send your proposal to this email address.
Proposals will be evaluated and the speakers will be contacted ASAP.
This year topics will be the following:
- Android Fundamentals
- Android Advanced
- Working with Android Sensors
- Android@Home
- Games
- OpenGL
- Android ADK
- Android Market best practices
- Design UI Pattern
- Optimizing you app for the mobile world
- Developers Tools
- 3rd part libraries
- Android NDK
- The WebView World
- Using WebServices
- SOA and ROA
- HW integration
Target audience
- Software architects
- Software developers
- Project managers
- IT managers
- Trainers
The conference web site is
Thanks and hope to see you at AndroidConference 2011.
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