Delphi 11 Alexandria: compiler speed comparison
In a few of hours I’ll present the new RAD Studio 11 Alexandria to the italian Delphi and C++Builder developers community (register page here). Even if it’s only an on-line meeting due to the pandemic, it’s always a nice event where we can talk together about the new features introduced in the tools we use (and, most of the time, love). As developers we spend lot of time every day “talking” with machines, and the tools we use to do our job aren’t a mere detail, you need to know very well your tools (as A. Hunt and D. Thomas tell us since 1999 in their Pragmatic Programmer book).
The Claim
So, about this edition Embarcadero says that Delphi 11 Alexandria includes “Further compiler performance optimizations, mostly already delivered in 10.4.2 and patches”. Nice news. However, I’m a optimization and speed fanatic, so a statement without numbers it is just… well, a statement. My mind needs numbers! So I did a small test. It is really opinionated with a reduced scope but I think can be useful and, very important for me, I can be sure about what I’m going to say at the event.
The Test
I measured timing of compilation for the 3 packages included in DelphiMVCFramework project. I guess you already know what it is, however if you want to know more about it there is a nice book which can explain you all the fundamentals 😉. The test gone very well. It is just a test on a single scenario, but I think it’s quite significative one. DMVCFramework code is quite complex, contains lots of generics code, anonymous methods, custom attributes and a lot of Extended RTTI information.
Here’s the numbers!
TEST: Build Win32 platform with Debug information
Yes, Delphi 11 Alexandria Compiler it is really faster than the previous! Can you test your compilation speed and get some numbers to compare your old Delphi version and Delphi 11 Alexandria?
See you at the event
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