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Developing Application Services with PHP Servers and Android Phone Clients

My new white paper about “Developing Application Services with PHP Servers and Android Phone Clients” is on line under the Embarcadero RAD-in-Action initiative.


Are (or will be) available:

  • The White Paper
  • The complete source code from the white paper
  • 2 videos showing a complete (obviously very simple) Android application interfacing with a PHP REST web service (developer with RAD PHP XE).
  • A webinar (9th february)

In bit time we are heavily working with the Android operating system used in conjunction with DataSnap or PHP services.

This RAD-in-Action initiative (sponsored by Embarcadero) should be useful for all who want to start to work with Android and REST web services developerd with (RAD)PHP or Delphi Datasnap.


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