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"DelphiMVCFramework - the official guide" available as hardcopy

It takes more than I expected, but finally the reference guide for DMVCFramework is finally available as hardcopy on Lulu.

The book content is the same of the last e-Book version, so it is targeted to the current stable version dmvcframework-3.2.1-carbon. I was thinking to wait to publish the hardcopy version until the new dmvcframework-3.2.2-nitrogen was ready. but it would have take too much time (we are still working on some things before the next release). Considering also all the people that were asking for the hardcopy version, I decided to release the hardcopy now.

I hope you will enjoy this book at least how much I enjoyed to write it :-)

Buy “DMVCFramework - the official guide” as hardcopy on Lulu or buy as e-Book on LeanPub

Ciao, Daniele


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