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ITDevCon 2011 Time Table

Yes, it is a bit late, but this year has been really difficult to choose between all the speeches proposals arrived from all over the world.
The new Delphi XE2 version (and the RAD Studio XE2 Suite too) are really full of new cool features and many of the best delphi developers want to show what can be done in Delphi XE2. Great situation!

However, also this year, there will be many talks and many speakers. For the first time there will be 2 plenary sessions with more than one speaker in the main TObject hall. During these sessions all the attendants will be in the same hall and I’m sure that there will be very interesting Q&A time at the end of the sessions.
As usual there will be english and italian speeches. In every time frame you will find a suitable talk for your language.

This year we are glad to have DavidI as a conference speaker. Thanks to be with us David!

As you can see from the time table, there will be many topics, but if you are particulary interested in Firemonkey, LiveBindings, DataSnap and Mobile, you will find a specific sets of speeches about these topics.

In particular:

  • DavidI and Pavel Glowacky will show all the cool stuff available in Delphi XE2
  • Marco Cantù will held an interesting session about Firemonkey development
  • Bruno Fierens will held a 2 parts session about Firemonkey cross-platform component development.
  • I’ll hold 2 sessions about LiveBindings and how to use them with the most popular Data Access Design Patterns
  • Debora Mizzoni (web) and Luca Giacalone (android) will talk about mobile development with RadPHP
  • Salvatore Sparacino will show how to use the datasnap mobile connectors to develop a real-world app
  • and many others on many others topics

This year we’ll have also a “Conference App” very similar to the Google I/O one. With this app you will be able to:

  • Read the time table
  • Set you preferred speeches
  • Read infos about the speakers
  • Comment on speeches
  • Share you comments about itdevcon on facebook and twitter
  • Read infos about our sponsors

This app has been developed using Delphi and the datasnap mobile connectors (for the backend) and an Android device for the frontend. ASAP the app will be published on the Android Market. Here’s some screen shots from the “ITDevCon2011” android app.




The principal developer of this app (Salvatore Sparacino) will explain all parts (datasnap, the connectors, and the android development) in a specific talk. Are you interested in mobile development using Delphi as backend? If yes, you cannot miss his talk!

The time table is available here.
The complete speakers list is available here.

You can register for the event here.

There are interesting discounts for groups, students and for whom will buy RAD Studio XE2 in these days. If you are interested, contact directly our sales office at dir_comm at

See you in Verona!


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