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ITDevCon 2017 Spring Edition has been a success!

ITDevCon 2017 Spring Edition has been a success! Beyond the good crowd of loyal Delphi italian programmers that usually comes to ITDevCon, also a good number of new guys were coming to the “Spring Edition”. Maybe because the SE is shorter, maybe because all the speeches were in italian, maybe because the Linux support attracted new people… maybe for all these things (we are still giving a full meaning to the surveis took during the conference).

The “community” mood has been always present at ITDevCon, and the SE is not different. Here’s some photos taken by our official photographer Valentina.

All the other photos are available in the ITDevCon 2017 SE album on ITDevCon facebook page.

Thanks to our sponsors, the final raffle gets its usual success!

So a big thank you to:

 Here’s some photos, check the full album ITDevCon 2017 SE album on ITDevCon facebook page.

  See you at the next ITDevCon… the standard one!


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