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ITDevCon 2023 - The Delphi European Conference

We’re back! ITDevCon, the richest European conference on Delphi and related technologies, is scheduled for October 26th and 27th 2023. ITDevCon will be held at the bit Time group headquarter in Rome!

This will be the 12th conference edition and will be organized, as usual, by bit Time Professionals, bit Time Software and our spanish sister Delphi Studio.


Image by jannoon028 on Freepik

The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see them.

Send your Call4Paper to

We already received some C4P from the Delphi specialist all around the world. I’ll reply as soon as all the tech comitee members will accept (or reject) the proposals.

As usual, for the Call4Paper I need:

  • Title (for every talk)
  • Abstract (for every talk)
  • Difficulty level (for every talk)
    • Difficulty level is a scale from 1 to 3 with the following mean: introduction, intermediate, advanced
  • Speaker’s photo (at least 500x500px)
  • Speaker’s profile

I’m looking forward to your proposal. The call4papers ends on Sep 30th, 2023, but if you have a *VERY* interesting topic to propose, propose it… I’ll try to arrange the schedule and fit it in the agenda.

Proposals will be evaluated and the speakers will be contacted ASAP. If your speech will not chose, don’t be disappointed, it doesn’t mean that is not a good topic, maybe it is too much a niche topic and is not enough appealing for a big conference. We could remain in contact to make a smaller workshop or webinar in the next months, maybe.


As usual there will be stunning tech contents. Some of the topics will be the following:

  • What’s new in the latest Delphi versions
  • “Look what I learned this year!” a.k.a. Cool things you learned in the last months working on “that” project.
  • Delphi/Python integration (Python4Delphi, DelphiVCL, DelphiFMX)
  • IoT (Internet of Things) solutions
  • FireMonkey tecniques
  • RESTful architectures
  • Creating, testing and deploy APIs
  • Mobile development (Android or iOS)
  • Interfacing with external services (Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack, Discord etc.)
  • Creating Alexa Skills with Delphi
  • Creating bots using Delphi
  • UIs development techniques for different devices (smartphones, tablets, TV, watch etc)
  • UI and UX best practices for mobile and desktop
  • Delphi and OOP best practices
  • Design Patterns (GoF, Enterprise, Integration, Refactoring etc)
  • UI Design Patterns (Presentation Model, MVVM, MV* etc)
  • Open Source Delphi Frameworks
  • Interfacing with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8232 or others similar systems
  • Web Application with Delphi
  • TDD and Unit Tests
  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern (CQRS)
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Agile methodologies
  • Architectures

Target Audience

ITDevCon is an highly-specialized conference. It isn’t a “showcase” conference, it is really practice and business oriented. Usual attendee are:

  • Software architects
  • Software developers
  • Project managers
  • IT managers
  • Trainers
  • Students (free entry)

The conference web site is

The ticket includes:

  • 2 conference days
  • More than 20 amazing speeches
  • Lunches (with very good italian food 🙂)
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Gadgets
  • Prize Draw

Don’t miss discounts!

Everyone has a discount! (Almost) For this edition we want to ensure that everyone can join us to the best edition ever. Find your category of discount and contact us.

You can get great discount for groups or if you have attended al least the last 2 editions of ITDevCon. Don’t loose your discount! Check the ITDevCon web site and get your seat/s.

Discounts available on our web site.

Why your company should sponsor ITDevCon?

As the organizers of the upcoming ITDevCon, we are excited to extend a unique and lucrative opportunity to other companies.

ITDevCon, slated to be one of the most prominent gatherings in the Delphi tech community, aims to bring together a diverse and talented group of programmers, developers, and tech enthusiasts from around the world. This event will be a melting pot of innovative ideas, cutting-edge technologies, and collaborative networking, fostering an environment where creativity and ingenuity thrive.

Why Should Your Company Sponsor ITDevCon?

  1. Unparalleled Brand Exposure: By sponsoring our conference, your company will gain unprecedented visibility among thousands of tech professionals, decision-makers, and potential clients. Our extensive marketing campaigns, both online and offline, will spotlight your brand as a leading supporter of tech innovation.

  2. Networking Opportunities: This conference presents an ideal platform to connect with influential individuals, potential partners, and skilled developers. Forge invaluable relationships and expand your business network with key industry players.

  3. Talent Acquisition: Tap into a pool of the brightest minds in the tech industry. Sponsorship will not only portray your company as a tech-savvy industry leader but will also attract top-tier talent to your organization.

  4. Showcasing Technological Prowess: Showcase your latest products, innovations, and services to a highly receptive audience. Demonstrate your company’s technological prowess and engage potential customers on-site.

  5. Social Responsibility: By sponsoring this conference, you are investing in the growth and development of the tech community. Support diversity and inclusion initiatives while contributing to the advancement of the industry.

  6. Thought Leadership: Establish your company as a thought leader in the tech sector by hosting a keynote, panel discussion, or workshop at the conference. Share your expertise and insights on emerging trends and technologies.

  7. Enhance Credibility: Associating your brand with a reputable and forward-thinking conference like ours will boost your company’s credibility and image in the market.

Our sponsors can have a slot to talk about their services and/or products. Just contact us.

Join Us in Shaping the Future of your Business!


Do you want to see a particular topic or have a suggestion for ITDevCon2023? Let me know

As usual one of the most important part of ITDevCon will be the networking between attendees. I know about great collaboration born during ITDevCon. Be there and don’t miss this social opportunity!

Thank you and…  see you at ITDevCon 2023.


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