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MockJSONAPI Server

Let’s say that you need to develop a REST client (e.g. mobile app, web client, web SPA or a desktop thin client) and you need some endpoints to use. The usual problem in this case is that you need to start to develop the server before you can show something to the end user. MockJSONAPI server solves this problem giving to the developer a bare-bone REST server with the standard CRUD interface. The data are stored into a single JSON file. You can start to develop the GUI prototype without worry about the actual backend. When you agree with your customer, then you can start to develop a proper backend.

MockJSONAPI is a mock server for a generic JSON API. It is built with Delphi and delphimvcframework. Can be used with any client technology and language (e.g. the server unit tests are in Python). When mockjsonapi server receives a requests it matches the request against the data.json that have been configured.

More Info

MockJSONAPI Server is a quite simple project but is really useful for all the developers that have to work with RESTful APIs.

More details and info at the project page.


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