How to serialize a TList of objects with Delphi

Some weeks ago a customer asked to me if it is possibile serialize a TList of objects. “Hey, you should use a TObjectList for this”, I said, but he absolutely needs (I dont know why) of a TList. This is the (simple) sample code tested with Delphi XE2 Update4. Enjoy.

DROIDDevCon - Call4Papers

DROIDDevCon is the first conference in italy completly focused on Android OS development. This post is the official opening for the call4papers! Dear potential DROIDDevCon speaker, I’m building the agenda for first DROIDDevCon that will be held October 24th in Verona (Italy). The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see it.

Guest speaker @ Delphi Develpers Days in Rome

Next week I’ll be the guest speaker at the Delphi Developers Days held in Rome by (and with) Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen. Marco and Cary are very good speakers and very expert developers, so will be nice to be there with them and I want to thank them for inviting me.

ITDevCon2012 - Call4Papers

Dear potential ITDevCon speaker, I’m building the agenda for next ITDevCon 2012 that will be held October 25th,26th in Verona (Italy), the same location of the past year. The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see it.

dorm, "The Delphi ORM" and Spring for Delphi Framework

Great news for all the dorm and Spring4D users! As you probably know, finally has been announced the official Spring framework for Delphi. There is a lot of good technology in Spring4D! So, I’m glad to announce that in a future version (hopefully, the next one) dorm, “The Delphi ORM” will use Spring4D and will become the ORM part of Spring4D.

Delphi MVC Web Framework - "Hello World"

This is the first “Hello World” for my Delphi MVC Web Framework. program DelphiMVCWebFramework; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, MVCEngine in 'MVCEngine.pas', BaseController in 'BaseController.pas'; var mvc: TWebMVCEngine; begin mvc := TWebMVCEngine.Create; mvc.AddRoute('/', procedure(Context: TWebContext) begin Context.Write('Hello World'); end).Start(8080); ReadLn; mvc.Free; end. Features list (some of them are in the internal roadmap)

#2 "dorm, the Delphi ORM" bullettin

This is the second post regarding a fast update on the last changes to the dorm project in terms of management and code. Welcome to 2 new contributors: Marco Mottadelli and BraveCobra (this is the full list Added 2 new PersistentStrategy for MSSQLServer based on dbExpress (the 1st use the Embarcadero dbExpress driver, while the 2nd use the DevArt dbExpress driver) Added another PersistentStrategy for MSSQLServer based on ADO (so also Delphi Professional users can use dorm with MSSQLServer) The new mapping strategy is under development.

#1 dorm, "the Delphi ORM" bullettin

This is the first post regarding a fast update on the last changes to the dorm project in terms of management and code. Welcome to 2 new contributors: mrbar2000 and magnomp (this is the full list Added a PersistentStrategy for SQLite. New Google Group related to dorm. Post your questions, comments and request here!

Here's the pascal for Java and Android

Yes, this is very cool. I’m not a Java hater, in terms of language (and I dont want to start a language-war), but some Java features, IMHO, are a bit uncomfortable for me. However, Java is very powerful and there are an enormous amount of good open source project for Java.

Duck Typing in Delphi

During a new dorm feature development, I’m faced a nice problem: I want to have a generic access to a “kind” of list Let’s say: procedure DoSomething(Obj: TMyListType); begin ... end; But, I want to have that generic access without a Layer Supertype object, because I need to be able to use objects from other libraries or 3rd party.