dorm, "The Delphi ORM", officially published at ITDevCon

As all the attendees have seen, at the last ITDevCon, I’ve officially published dorm as an OpenSource project. \ You can find the project on google code: An introduction to dorm is available on google docs. dorm begins as a my personal project more than one year ago, and now is sponsored by bitTime Software that offers custom development, consultancy, mentoring and so on.

ITDevCon 2011, recap

Last Friday ended the third edition of ITDevCon, the European Conference on Delphi and its related technologies. ITDevCon this year was even bigger and funny. There have been more present, more sponsors, more speakers, more topics and a lot of people with the desire to learn new things and improve their every day work.

App Android ITDevCon2011 disponibile sul Market (ITALIAN)

Manca solo una settima all’inizio di ITDevCon2011. Per permettere a tutti gli iscritti (e far decidere chi è ancora indeciso) di sfruttare al meglio i due giorni di intensa formazione, abbiamo appena pubblicato l’applicazione ITDevCON2011 sul’Android Market. Trevete il programma completo della conferenza, i profili degli speaker e informazioni sugli sponsor.

ITDevCon2011 Android App

In less that a week, ITDevCon2011 will begin. To allow all members (and to let decide who is still undecided) to take advantage of the two days of intense training, we have just published the application ITDevCON2011 on the Android Market. You’ll find full conference program, speaker profiles and information about the sponsors.

ITDevCon 2011 Time Table

Yes, it is a bit late, but this year has been really difficult to choose between all the speeches proposals arrived from all over the world. The new Delphi XE2 version (and the RAD Studio XE2 Suite too) are really full of new cool features and many of the best delphi developers want to show what can be done in Delphi XE2.

In the core of LiveBindings expressions of RAD Studio XE2

WARNING! I’ve been authorized by EMBARCADERO to write about RAD Studio XE2. RAD Studio XE2 is full of nice and exciting features. One of the most awaited of them is the LiveBindings. The LiveBindings is available to the VCL and the new FireMonkey framework and allows to connect a property object to another using an expression and a set of observers.

DataSnap Mobile Connectors in RAD Studio XE2

WARNING! I’ve been authorized by EMBARCADERO to write about RAD Studio XE2. RAD Studio XE2 is full of nice and exciting features. One of the most interesting IMHO is the DataSnap extension called “Mobile Connectors”. In the past, I’ve talked about connecting and using your datasnap REST service with Android, creating ad-hoc json messages and manually parsing the returned json messages.

DataSnap and Android (Part I) on BlaisePascal

Blaise Pascal Issue no.17 contains the first part of my articles about “DataSnap and Android”. During this series I’ll show how to write a complete TODO application using Delphi DataSnap Server and an Android thin client. Have a good reading.

AndroidConference in Italy - Call4Papers

![The Android Conference](/images/2011/06/home-bugdroid.png Yes! This is a great news! Before the two-days conference dedicated to Delphi, this year there will be the AndroidConference. The Android Conference The Android Conference will be a conference focused on Google Android development. Android is one of the most popular OS in the world. Now you can use it for your mobile applications.

ITDevCon 2011 - Call4Papers

Dear potential ITDevCon speaker, I’m building the agenda for next ITDevCon 2011 that will be held in late october in Verona, the same location of the past year. Dates will be announced ASAP. The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see it.