DataSnap Filters Compendium

What’s DataSnap Filters Compendium DataSnap Filters Compendium (DSFC) is a compendium of 9 filters for DataSnap 2010. The filters are divided into 3 groups: HASH MD5 MD4 SHA1 SHA512 CIPHER Blowfish Rijndael 3TDES 3DES COMPRESS LZO HASH filters The HASH filters helps avoid to any spiteful person to modify datasnap message through an “Man in the middle” attack (http://en.

Custom Marshalling/UnMarshalling in Delphi 2010

Introduction Some days ago, Embarcadero has presented the new version of RAD Studio, 2010. The are many new features, but you can find in a lot places around the web, so I won’t repeat them here. One of the things widely requested from all Delphi programmers all over the world over the past few years, including myself, is

My AMQP Delphi wrapper is in the standard 0MQ distributio

Yes, this is a nice news! My AMQP Delphi wrapper for 0MQ is officially included into the distribution of 0MQ. Now sources are managed into the main svn trunk. You can read the news in the project’s main page. You can see the code here. In the upcoming greatest Delphi conference ITDevCon, I’ll have a talk about MoM (Message oriented middleware) and I’ll talk about ZeroMQ too.

Using AMQP from Delphi with ZeroMQ

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard [application layer] protocol for [[Message Oriented Middleware]]( “What does it mean “Mom” ?”) (MoM). The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security^.^ The good news about AMQP is that AMQP mandates the behaviour of the messaging provider and client to the extent that implementations from different vendors are truly interoperable, in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc.

Swimming World Championships: Delphi Software swim in it

From July 17th to August 2nd, The Foro Italico (in Rome) will be the heart of the 13th FINA World Championships Roma 2009, for swimming, diving, synchronised swimming and water polo. Four permanents pools and two temporary pools will be the set of the competitions for the four competitive disciplines, and all the venue will turn into a village that will host and entertain all night long over 400.

Delphi Developer Days

When I was at Delphi Live in San Jose, I attended Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen Masterclass about Delphi Multithreading. Although, I’m expert of multi threading techiques and the related problems, this masterclass was very interesting and well organized as well. IMHO, the topics have been presented in very effective manner and, as usual, in a very professional way.

I'll be at DelphiLive! in San Jose

This year I cannot miss the DelphiLive! event! I’m still in Rome, but in a few hours I’ll leave Rome with a fly to Frankfurt. Then I’ll take a fly for San Francisco. I’ll be in San Jose in the evening (local time). You will be at DelphiLive! ? See you there!

Delphi profiling made simple... really simple!

Many users asked Embarcadero to include a profiler in the next Delphi for Win32. Waiting for this, there are some interesting tools for profile a Delphi program. For example, AsmProfile is an Open Source sampling profiler wich is very simple to use. UPDATE: Actually AsmProfile is an “Instrumenting” profiler. It uses runtime function detouring and assembly to profile any selected function.

My speech at "PHPCon Italia 2009"

I will talk at the italian PHPCon in Rome on March 18-20 2009. I will talk about “Data Access Design Patterns” showing many PHP examples. PHPCon Italia 2009 Holiday Inn Eur Parco dei Medici Viale Castello Della Magliana 65 ROME, 00148 ITALIA Web Site Click here for discount on ticket (italian web site)

A Simple start with MVP in Delphi for Win32, Part 1

As GUI framework such as VCL become more and more powerful, it’s common practice to let the UI layer do more than it should. Without a clear separation of responsibilities, the UI layer can often become an integral part of application and businness logic, but… this kind of responsabilities belongs to other layers of the application.